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Not a hack, a promise
Let me start with this epiphany and action; I have decided to retire from non-fiction article writing.
Specifically, I will refrain from writing about Politics, Injustice, and Environmental Catastrophes, and these subject matters will no longer be in my quiver of writing.
Other authors are more versed, learned, and disciplined in these issues. Honestly, if more of us took a break from writing via the "cheap seat," their works could rise to the top of the algorithm. This is my humblest opinion.
I have come to the place where I believe "pulp writing" on these critical subjects is more harmful than helpful. So I bow out.
My Op-Ed doesn't matter, but a well-formed comment does.
I am a reader, and I love it! That moment in the first sentence when the author shows me they have what it takes to carry me through the "doors" of their mind. I dont always agree with what I read, but any cerebral and disciplined work with the right cadence and attention to prose will find an audience in me.
I also still care deeply about; Animal Causes, Justice, Politics, Democracy, and Racial Inequality, so my comments will be carefully considered and crafted. My intent with commentary is to engage…