Does anyone think we can Stop this Climate Crisis?

Let us Stop Fooling Ourselves and Prepare.

Climate change is not the problem. It is the plan.

For those reading this while screaming, “YES, WE CAN,” Ok, then let’s look at some life changes and see if you are willing to adopt them immediately. That is what it will take, and even if we do, the best we can do is slow down the effects. This may give us time to prepare.

Top Fourteen Acts to Save Humans on Earth

A. Stop Eating Meat, Fish, and Dairy. That lost 78% of you worldwide and 95% of Americans.

B. Stop traveling on airplanes; no more vacations or business travel, except for emergencies. That one lost me, though I have significantly curbed my travel.

C. Stop driving cars and use pedal bikes or public transportation.

D. Stop using any tools that are gas-powered.

E. Adopt a Skip the Stuff policy in your life. Vote for any legislation in your town that will adopt it.

F. Stop using plastic bags. We are killing our ocean habitat with plastics, which means we die. Try these non-plastic bags that break down.

G. Grow your food. I started my herb garden this weekend.

H. Buy Local. This has become my favorite one. Meeting Awesome local business people and coming back to a community feels terrific.

i. Buy recycled goods even if they cost more. If you have the means, especially take this cost on.

J. Buy your clothes from a company with the Earth as the stakeholder and shareholder. For the moment, there is only one, that company is Patagonia. Please correct me in the comments if you know of others.

K. Use alternative energy sources and convert to low-voltage devices.

H. Stop gambling with Crypto tokens or currencies. We have more significant problems to solve. Is digital money even a problem? I think not; it has been here since the 70s. This new iteration uses massive amounts of energy and has no real value other than making speculators money and storing wealth for those who don't want to be taxed.

Do yourself a favor and forget the “get rich quick schemes” it is delusional. If you read about the opportunity in Time magazine, you are not on the ground floor, and it is too late. Retail money rarely wins.

K. Vote Democrat. I just lost 50% of America.

I am an independent, but these days, no Republican will support saving humans over profit. For me, that is a line in the sand. If the GOP comes back to reality, I will consider them again.

I. End Capitalism. I just lost the rest of you.

This would also mean a global economic meltdown, and I get it. We can only evolve the human species if we end “for-profit economics” as our “meaning to exist.” Does anyone reading this believe that it is even a remote possibility? Of course not. Neither do I.

Capitalism is at its core gambling, and like oil, we are addicted to the gambling part of it. The problem is we have entered End-stage Capitalism, which only benefits a few. Interestingly, though, those “few” have all the power. Talk about a feedback loop. It will take a mob to change this.

We won’t fix any of our big problems with this continued economic model. Some form of social capitalism could work, but we don’t have the time or the will to switch before this ELE event occurs. That is my point.

We need humans to adopt most, if not all, of these human lifesavers I have mentioned, and that is just the start. There are many more sacrifices needed. I have little faith that 21st-century humans have it in them anymore—the ability to sacrifice voluntarily.

For full disclosure, I have adopted nine of the fourteen and would support a social capitalist government like the Netherlands in America.

Humans are the next Mastodons.

Humans are the next Mastodons, running as fast as we can to the cliff’s edge. Sure, some of the herd will survive, at least the ones with the gold, for a while. They will live in some form of dystopia on a mega yacht or in an underground freight container, but eventually, all the mammals will face the final extinction threshold.

A web bulb temperature of 96 degrees F (35c) is our extinction threshold

The minute we found oil and figured out all the comforts it could bring, we did what is in our nature. We progressed to more efficiency and comfort at the expense of nature. We didn’t look back or consider the balance of our habitat. We removed ourselves from that equation. Just like a virus, we kill everything.

I am not a pessimist or an optimist. My general outlook is a realist. I follow the Toltec Agreements and believe in Humanism. As a humanist, I like one thing about organized religion: the 10% tithe they collect. Of course, what they do with it is suspect, but in concept, it is solid.

For the last ten years, I have pledged 10%, really more, of my earnings to the benefit of animals and climate organizations that are trying to find a way to thread the needle. I continue to fight for mammals with my focus on animals.

Will you take the pledge below and commit to it so the human race can remain? Will you evolve? Or will you be driven off the ledge by the greed of capitalism? There is no more time to ponder. It is time to make a choice.

Side note: Here is an NPO where you can pledge to do your part. I have already pledged.

Consider joining Medium as a paid subscriber — reading daily will make you a better person. Here is my referral link. I promise every penny will go to a charity.



Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩

Nascent Autodidact - All of my writing is a thought experiment and not to be construed as fact.