Interesting thoughts. 💭
I am a fiat investor and its been good to me and my family. I doubt I will enter the crypto field for investing- but I am going to buy some ETH and hold.
I was a naysayer towards crypto because to me I didn’t see the value, what is its true value what does it create etc… the Buffet position.
Then it hit me - it value is that it has created jobs and an industry- similar to gambling. So the value set for now is gaming and maybe just maybe it will become a utility- say 25%.
I never bought into the “impenetrability argument” and have been proven right there many times- and here is the big one for someone my age. I was around when programming was a hobby using stacks and stacks of cards- that community were pirates and always always built backdoors. In fact it was a matter of pride. I would put money down the Satoshi project has a backdoor.
🕊️🌱🧩🥑 fun read