Kiyosaki taught me one thing at 18 and that was worth his snake oil cost of twenty bucks- the difference between assets and liabilities- at 18 that set my brain on a path to learn how capitalism works. I never listened to him again. Today I am good- health and lifestyle.
It is incumbent upon each of us to build filters so we can sift out the vampires, confidence people and threats to our existence. Humanity unfortunately is a story telling game, learn how to win using psychology and filters then work your ass off in between the wars.
Society is built on trust if that goes away, which I fear is the goal today, then cash, bitcoin and gold will mean nothing. Sure gold may buy you a loaf of bread in the depression but who the feck cares.
When the power stops or it costs $100k a kilowatt sure BTC will be worth a million, good luck exchanging it for XYZ - the power will be off.
We are focusing on the wrong things us human apes - extinction event around the corner for most humans IMHO