Yes, the Leaders have a Plan for Climate Change
Thoughts & Prayers for us and Mega Yachts for them
The overwhelming evidence is that beyond “thoughts and prayers,” you and your family are not included in the plans of world leaders and the elite who decide policy. It is time to prepare for the future no matter where you land on the scale of belief or denial.
First off, though, we dont have to live this way!
We dont have to live in a world where the unqualified, marginalized, corrupted or leveraged among us continue to decide the way forward. We can select and demand better leaders, even if they are flawed ones.
No human among us is perfect; it should not be our litmus test. Our goals should be to select ethical, authentic, and transparent leaders with an IQ above 110. It would also be good for the country and world if we ceased selecting leaders by the entertainment value factor. Finally, if we want effective leaders, we had better calm down on "throwing stones in glass houses" and select humans of solid convictions as our leaders. As long as they are genuine and have learned from their mistakes, they should be welcome, even cherished for their willingness to serve the public.
If 80% of Americans Voted, we would be living in a different country. The polls are clear about what Americans want. The not-so-surprising thing is that 60–70% of both moderate political sides agree with each other; when it addresses societal issues. Maybe not completely, but enough to find a compromise with; Climate Change, Gun Regulation, Healthcare, Antitrust, Immigration, and Civil Rights. In reality, most of us want the same things. It is time to put the petulant fringe leaders "out to pasture." Americans want a transparent working government.
The Humans in power know the truth about Climate Change
Let me get back to the premise. It is clear, and there is no doubt that human life has affected the environment of this planet. The effect is evident. If you dont believe me, ask 99.9999 percent of scientists. Scientists who have spent their whole lives on this issue. The proof is clear but if you are still on the edge of denial, then take a read of the Exxon study done in 1977.
Still not enough proof for you? Then the "policy paper" written by the Trump administration's DOD head may sway you. He stated, and I paraphrased the quote…
“… it is obvious something is occurring in our climate, and, that humans had a part in it… but … since the damage is done we see no need, to change our society, we just need to manage the damage and ride this pony out”
I paraphrased this quote, summarized and added some poetic device egregiously. I admit, I basically abused this quote. I kept the intention and that is acturate. If you would like more info on the report, search, “trump climate report”.
My point is to suggest, in the most robust way, that "manage," as the trump report suggests, means "let them eat cake.” Better yet, "let them die before they eat all the cake up."
My favorite part of history is the Renaissance period which preceded the age of enlightenment. That was when humans challenged the power of the "divine" leaders and churches and came up with a "scientific method." Progressives of the time wanted answers to humanity's questions beyond faith.
How is it possible we are going back into the dark ages?
My best guess is that too many of us don't vote, have become complacent in the vote, or can't be bothered to vote. It is all we have and not much, but it is all we have. For the moment, the nobles and kings of America are still in fear of the masses, but that "clock of sand" is running out fast. Our strength of the vote will be over if the neo-orange GOP has its way. We need two sane parties working together. First, we need to weed out the insurgents doing their best to return us to antebellum America.
My awareness happened when An Inconvenient Truth (2006) was released. I dragged my privileged carcass to an indie movie theatre and sat in a squeaky chair. I watched as Al Gore got on a scissors lift and pointed out the obvious; that humans are destroying our ability to live. Watching the film, I thought we were engaged in some form of mass suicide, all for comfort.
Not me was my thought; it is time to educate myself.
The change in me had begun from the minute I left that theatre and got into my large SUV. I educated myself, read numerous books, and then started doing my part; I still am. I scrapped my SUV, which was harder than I thought; I loved that truck, but I wanted to be on the right side of humanity.
At the time, I did not doubt that the momentum would pick up around the inconvenient truth and that change was coming. I believed the "adults in the room" would want to save this planet for their children's children.
Wow, was I wrong!
The Leaders around the world know it is over.
Our leaders know it's over, and we are "circling the drain." They see the cycle of our now eight billion humans on earth coming to a horrible close. Leaders have done the calculations, and I believe they will let billions of us die off in some "great human cull." Honestly, it makes sense if you agree that climate change is here.
So what is the plan?
The plan is for elites to build their "Elysium" (a reference to the dystopian movie named the same) before the final stages of climate change come upon us. I say the final stages because we are already into the permafrost feedback loop. If you dont know what that is — you are part of the problem.
It is a bleak reality.
Understanding how organized humans have cycled through the last six thousand years, starting with the Sumerians, will point you to another inconvenient truth — humans cannot solve the big questions of organized society; we always fail.
Humans always end a "big cycle" in bloody wars — followed by a world order reset. The winners of said war decide the terms of that reset. Sometimes those winners are dynastic, totalitarian, or monarchical, but in 1776 this little ray of light pierced through the human story. That beam of light was called American Democracy (a Republic) But, our democracy is fragile and in its final survival test.
The test? - Will, the people care enough to get to a polling booth; how absurd is that? The inconvenience of registering, verifying, and voting may end our experiment of being free.
After each big cycle, we have been able to reset the world, and humans have found themselves at the apex. I think this time around, mother (earth) will extinguish our reign. All the data points to that, and the leaders know it.
Yes, our leaders are planning for what is coming, and I suggest we, the people, just like the French did in 1789, "rise up.” Though I suggest, we use the vote instead of "pitchforks" and elect humans that want a future. A future for all of us, not just the wealthy, privileged, or connected.
You may be saying I am being an alarmist. I suggest you consider the recent acts of our leaders. When I say recent, I mean the last 50 years. It seems evident to me that they are now expediting things. You may want to ask the following questions yourself.
The proof is in the actions of the elite class
Why are they…
- Building Mega Yachts — I doubt the primary purpose of these "private cities on water" are for parties or vacations. A hedge may be against the rising tides.
- Building Silo Cities and "off the grid" compounds at great expense. A simple internet search for "survival underground bunkers," and it's obvious there is a market in full swing.
- Converting Underground Military Facilities for those that can pay. Hopefully, they are considering some form of social lottery for a few of us. It seems they will still need a class of workers to keep around.
- Subsidizing "Penis shaped Rockets" for billionaires, rockets that can remain in orbit and out of harm's way, returning to resupply as needed. They have designed them to land on water platforms and atolls, far away from crowds and humans.
- Voicing Thoughts and Prayers; for the victims of — violence, hate, plagues, and the sick (physical and mental) instead of solutions.
- Privately Funding Militias/Armies with your taxes. They will need murderous humans when the day comes. I know this because my past has me in contact with retired military personnel; many already have contracts with such outfits. Private Security Contract Firms(mercenaries) collect 100B in business (2016 data).
I am not trying to perpetuate conspiracy theories. Still, it seems pretty out in the open- the wealthy are already fully deployed to survive Climate Change and the social unrest with the New World Order climate reality.
We have one shot left in the U.S, and it comes down to November 2022. It's not that the Democrats have the answers, but they are our best hope. For me, it comes down to the perceived policy. All my years of study and reading tell me that the lower 90% of us will have a better chance with socially-minded politicians than those who see no value in social investment. The GOP only prescribes a never-ending march of free markets and trickle-down delusions, with no social investment required. In today's political climate (no pun intended), the Democrats are our best choice.
For the moment, at least the Democrats are our best chance.
August 30th update- Today, the Guardian posted this article.
A word on “Tipping,” the new feature here on Medium- I have set mine up to go to Organizations fighting for Animals and Mother Earth- I change the link with every new story. Still, all tips will go to these charities doing what they can to save the mammal race.
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