No, not at all I do not think all Republicans are simple minds and I actually agree with many policies and positions of the Lincoln Republicans, past and present. No one will ever take my weapons until we all give them up-and that isn't happening any time soon.
Simple thinking is fine for those who are sheep and cannot lean into a progressive America, those in fear of it, and what it means to be progressive; but those who choose to actively work toward an antebellum America once more are the simple minds IMHO. The world needs simple minds as well I just don't want them making policy.
You have the right to work towards simplicity if you desire, but I will fight your hate of progression and women (as illustrated with the simple hate for AOC etc) until the day when it is decided once and for all (probably never) what America becomes. I don't even care if you hate my culture, skin, or love of equality for in the end I am actually even fighting for your rights to hate me. Just realize when you go violent don't be surprised by the consequences because history shows liberals are not passive in any way shape or form.
So I leave you with this Chuck why the hate? How is your life better with so much hate? All good you don't have to answer I wish you a blessed day for you and your family.