One more comment; if the Dems want to win BIG I have two issues that would destroy the alt-right.
One - start a constitutional campaign to change the 2nd amendment to clearly state every tax paying, non criminal American over 18, that passes a firearms course, and is insured for damages caused by their use of said firearm is Guaranteed the right to said firearm. Beat the GOPazis at their own game and remove this issue. Most gun owners are responsible its time we acknowledge America is a Gun Nation.
Two- Introduce a financial aide program for every displaced farmer, factory worker and energy worker in most hit states; the first generation gets subsidized their children get retrained as they see fit- those choosing a field in science get full scholarships. Tact on some relief for graduates now that have chosen science degrees. We can send 100biliion to Ukraine but we cant fund our own people? Sorry Ukraine I feel for you but America is burning.
I have more solutions that the GOP will get behind but it takes desire to end this war and I doubt either side wants to. Division is the goal. Why? I wrote about it here on medium "Leaders have a Solution...." if there is any interest.