There is no Utopia Waiting.

Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩
11 min readJun 23, 2021


There is only more work; that’s Democracy, that’s the DEAL.

We all know our democratic system, which in theory is supposed to represent the majority, requires a course correction. The one thing that is clear after Jan 6th is that we all seem to agree with this; though we don't agree on what kind of America we want in the future.

That breaks my heart, ok over it.

One takeaway is that we cannot, nor will not, wait any longer for apartheid-seeking Americans to get on board with race and access equality. They obviously lack the will or desire.

How did we get here?

It took some time, but each bad act by those in power eroded trust with Americans, and the consequence of that erosion has divided us. Our world “enemies” are quite happy with our chaos as the fringes take advantage and continue to drive the wedge deeper.

Republicans and Democrats have blame. An unengaged electorate have blame as well as a media & tech industry willing to “sell off” America.

Don't accept the narrative.

We need to cease accepting the narrative that “all politicians are liars and crooks” as a character trait. Our apathy gives them the power to full fill that destiny and smile when caught.

We need moral and ethical leaders, not puppets.

The most crucial purpose of Congress is to check and balance the executive branch. The next critical function is to provide oversight of the business community and its motives. Our division acts as a stalemate. A stalemate Congress is only too happy to blame for their failure.

After 45, I stopped accepting the propaganda that “all politicians are liars and crooks, just accept it”. I truly believe it is a thought-terminating cliche that contributed to many of my fellow Americans accepting a man arguably unfit to be POTUS. I want better from those elected; nay, I require it.

We, the people, now more than ever need to take the leadership role; through our peaceful actions and determination.

It seems to me that after an election, the leverage we have is to be engaged, strike, and protest if marginalized or dismissed. A disruptive yet violence-free protest has always been the most effective tool people have. It is tough to accomplish, but if the people come together organically and don't allow “bad actors” or “infiltrators” to go violent, protest can work.

Is there anything else we can do?

Yes, I believe we have another power; besides marching in the streets. We have the undertow of small but consistent actions.

Like a million beautiful weeds, these small acts “seed change.” I am tired of reading the detritus without solutions. Are’nt you?

We all make the world what it is, every act, every decision, every choice to be “less than” erodes us. -BBP(pp)

Credit: HomeKlondike
Credit HomeKlondike

10 Acts for Course Correction

Act 1- $15.00/hr

I am done listening to billionaires and millionaires, along with the congress they own, as they continue to argue they can’t pay workers more. It’s fine to become rich, but first, they have to treat the people who do the actual work as valued humans and not indentured servants. Until your workforce is paid a livable wage, your wealth is secondary.

That is the implied social contract signed as a CEO or private business owner, at least in America, at least it was. If your business cannot survive the act of paying a livable wage, then you don’t have an actual business; you have a plantation.


I will do my utmost to cease supporting such businesses. I can not guarantee a perfect success rate, but I will research and see which businesses I support today and if they are on board with a livable wage.

Starbucks is on board; ok, phew, that was close :O)

Act 2- Political and Religious debate

I walked into a bar recently, one I had never been in, actually the first one in over 14 months. As I entered, there was a sign posted “No Politics, No Religion” “keep that S**** to your self” I thought to myself, perfect, but I was skeptical.

How would that work?

About an hour passed, and suddenly, the bar started chanting “Please Leave” as more people joined in the room became focused. A man and his friend stood up and left. I smiled, leaned over to my group of friends, and said: “well, that was harsh, but it worked.”

You do have free speech, yes, but the consequences of that free speech could be that people don’t want to hear it. Your right to speak doesn’t outweigh my right to ask you to take the “sh..” somewhere else.


I will do my own research from credentialed sources I trust, not from some bot or targeted ad generated by those who would destroy America; I pledge to unfollow anyone on any social platform if they meme, comment, or present any media representing political views.

Act 3- Support Real Journalism, turn off entertainment pretending to be news.

True journalists are the last defense to democracy; without them doing the investigative work, democracy has no chance. Because of digitalization, once credible news outlets had to become entertainment and clickbait.

They sold their credibility for survival.

Talking heads and “actors” are driving the audience, not journalists. They shock us and skew the truth. They obfuscate reality and feed our confirmation bias daily—all to build a personal brand and ad revenue for their media moguls.

If you say you are a “platform and not news, you remove the jeopardy of being sued (section 230). They pretend not to be a place of distribution or influence. Then they tell their clients (brands that buy ads) they are the ONLY influencer worth the ad spend. I call B.S.


I pledge to actively donate to at least one of the independent investigative journalist organizations doing the hard work of true journalism.

How do you know it’s true?

The real news is boring but necessary, and you only have to hear it once when the event occurs.

Act 4 — Nazis and Racists get no “quarter” from me; I will be loud in the face of it.

The rock from which these people emerged needs readjustment and maybe a larger diameter, so their warped views can once more have an appropriate home under a rock.

Racists views and actions have been among us for so long that protesting their agenda of white nationalism seems to make “Neutral” Americans uneasy and confused about civil rights organizations like BLM.

Bravely taking a knee in peaceful protest is what America is all about. I believe that these brave acts remind the “neutral” that their silence has killed. It is hard for them to face the horrors of their choices, so silence is their regression. They use the words like Un-American to argue for silence to protect their image as fair, just, and humane people.

Silence kills

I may need to define what a “Neutral American” is for those confused by that term. These are Americans who say things like “don’t make things worse,” or “It takes time,” or “it’s always been like this,” and my favorite, “I didn’t have any slaves, why should I be punished for what my ancestors did?”

Important not to forget or include the people of color who chose to be neutral. They don’t want to lose the little leverage and are “o.k” with their place in the caste system as neutral Americans. They get more patience with me because it is a hard choice for them, but they must get on board.

I say 200+ years is enough time. If you are not on the train for equality by now, you are a lost cause.


I see something. I say something and do something immediately! I will act when any person is under verbal, MENTAL, or physical attack — call others to help.

One other sub-action here; I will question my own programming daily. We have all been subject to endless years of programming, we all have biases that were created by our experiences, in this racist world. I will question mine every day, and not hide from them.

Act 5- Recreational Drugs

I have no problem with people getting high if they act responsibly about it. Some people can handle it, and others become addicted.

Honestly, though, this issue (drugs) has always been about money and who gets to access the huge market of making humans feel; stoned, enhanced, tipsy, calm, or relieved of pain.

Let's face it, we are Petrie dishes, so it makes sense that chemicals should and will be a part of our existence.

The problem I have personally is the extreme violence of the market. The human suffering in the distribution chain, the never-ending gang wars, death, and the manifestation of “monsters.” Monsters are willing to savage innocent people to create fear and control. This awareness is something my soul cannot take being a part of.


I will not engage in any substance that is distributed through illegal networks. That is a lot to unpack, but I personally won't indulge until that substance is legal and regulated. This act is basically easy for me; I already matured out of most drug use a long time ago with the caveat of one plant. As of 2019, I have not partaken in it either. This had already been implemented after a business trip to Mexico City. While driving to a meeting, I witnessed people hanging from an overpass with no arms or legs. My uber driver said, “happens every day, no big deal.”

I wept inside, snowflake warrior that I am.

Note: I get it the laws on cannabis are changing, so no need to comment about how it is now legal. When the feds accept it as such, I will once again enjoy it; till then, bourbon is my drug.

Act 6- No more debates with the Orange GOP or the hard conspiratorial Left.

Arguments made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.” That's it, and I don't have a minute left in my short life to engage in these narratives.

-Hichens Razor

Act 7- Police Brutality, without consequence, not on my watch

I grew up in a hard neighborhood. I got my first “gang card” while getting into school before the gate was locked. I was not in a gang, nor was I wearing the clothing that would profile me as a gang member. The funny thing, I was a surfer and wore that kind of clothing; long-haired and waterlogged.

In those days, the Mexican gang members I knew were impeccable in their attire. They took pride in their appearance. They would spend hours ironing the perfect pleat. This sense of looking good was a remnant of the Zoot Suit “days” and being told repeatedly, “Mexicans are filthy”; does that remind you of any recent presidents?

I was not that impressive, with my wet hair full of salt- just like most mornings, I was coming from a dawn patrol (code for early morning surf). I was just a brown-skinned kid late for class, running to get there. My brown skin was enough to earn my first gang card.

Note: The police gang unit would “collect” intelligence about all the “potential gang members” -racist code for brown and black-skinned young men.

I write this because the many adults (my teachers) who saw those “cops” stop me and question me without cause did not step in. These adults knew who I was, and many knew I was a good kid with good grades.


In memory of that event, I pledge that if I witness police brutality or obvious disregard of human rights, I will drop to a knee and voice “Shame-Shame-Shame.” It may not stop the act, but if enough people around me do the same, it might stop a killing.

It would be easy to write a heroic act here like “I will stop them with force if needs be,” but let’s be real, that would only elevate the situation and get me killed. I want my acts to be true and actionable.

Act 8- Volunteer my time, at least 8 hours a month.

Time is the most valuable thing we have, honestly. I pledge to give 8 hours a month to the organizations I feel are doing the hard work.

Here is a link that helps manage and organize volunteer work in your area.

Act 9- Turn off Notifications

I could write a whole essay here, but others, the ones who actually built this data collection system, have done a better job warning us. If you feel like educating yourself, click on the link and watch as they tell you what you gave up for free internet stuff.

Act 10- Vote

I will vote in every primary and election that comes my way and research individuals running and propositions on the ballot. Give my employees the day off to vote (paid). Help others get to a voting place if they need it. Fight like it could all go away.

From the Atlantic: A Voting Disaster Ahead
The Voting Disaster Ahead (the Atlantic)

Democracy isn’t perfect, but it is the best humans have come up with. It will not run on autopilot, and I think many of us thought it would. We must ACT to keep it moving towards a better human existence.

The “tragedy of the commons” as well as the 80/20 rule reminds us that smaller acts usually lead up to the biggest changes. We only need a small shift in the population.

The end -

Encore Act🤣- I just finished watching KISS THE GROUND on Netflix, there are solutions for humans, but we must act now. Here is the link; the solution is in the soil- make up your own mind.

Act- I started to save my organic waste for community composting. I found three in my city with a simple search that is set up for public composting. We can turn around climate reality with regeneration farming. Let's stop letting big business destroy this paradise- or we will soon look like MARs- dead, hot, and full of radiation.



Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩
Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩

Written by Bigga Bigga P 🕊️🌱🧩

All of my writing is a thought experiment and never to be construed as fact 🌱🧩🕊️

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