Thank you for a well crafted response; let me say I did not use the word “all” and was careful in my comment as well. I think we need to look at Israeli for what it is a Nation State and separate the religion that is its fabric. I have people close to me on both sides of this issue and it always devolves into a conversation of religious rights. That to me is a cloak to hide behind the true goal; Acquisition of land at all costs. One side is conquering and one side is defending. Sides could switch at any time depending on geoglobal politics and the other side would be no less inhumane IMHO.
Israelis are no more inhumane as the Arabs who send missiles into Israeli; and are no more inhumane as America that supplies both sides with the weapons to destroy each other.
I want all humans to evolve and stop this path to the final manifested religious outcome; Armageddon. That is just my wish.
Peace is hidden in Atheism; and like me many atheists believe in a source, we just dont see it as a god of which humans were cast his/her image.
Everyone should have a right to their beliefs, no one should kill for them.