The American Plan is going exactly how "they" want it to - I have ceased to be angry, frustrated, or upset because this is the plan. The only way it changes is some e.l.e (end of life event)which how we are going mama earth may just oblige us.
Has the Orange Disaster committed; Sedition, Treason, Crimes of the State, the people, and humanity. Yes.
The problem is this; he is the leader of a movement toward the " Putin totalitarian new world order," and movements like the Bolsheviks and MAGA only have power if the crimes are so over the top, so egregious so consistent that the laws that exist can not contend with the shear quantity of the crimes, lies, and events.
Many believe that 45 is following a nazi generated plan and that he is a useful idiot - I disagree he is following the totalitarian playbook and is a puppet of the mastermind Putin. He is a kompromat puppet.