The GOP are as they have been for 20 years now a party of obstruction and the democrats try to weave fragile coalitions in congress to get things done… then they build surpluses and rescue our economy usually in 8 years only to lose it all back to the GOP so they can destroy it all.
Now we have whit nationalists dangerously blaming everyone else for their woes whatever they maybe.
Wonder what we would have if we had a majority Dem congress and Exec with conservative judicial oversight keeping the corrupted part of the dem party in check?
Maybe solid health care
Viable immigration plan
Campaign finance reform
Gun Regulations that make sense No one is taking my gun but I am fine being accountable and trained.
Lets see maybe real equality where we admit our past and heal to find a future all of us survive.
I have a dream that one day the BS we were told in school will become real.
But thats just me