The nazis among us desperately want to deploy their AR-15 with all the accoutrements they have purchased. They are loud and ignorant that they have been used and will be sacrificed - I still have pain for the misguided woman sent to the capital by her POTUS to die - "storming the " castle" with white privilege on her side still got a bullet when the last window broke.
I have been using the term GOPazis and it seems to have struck a nerve with them. Trolling has begun towards me, but why? I tell them wear your colors proudly- proud Nazis are great targets in the next civil war- if it comes to that.
I keep hoping our system of constitutional laws will step in and quill this coup of christo-facisim, - then I realized freedom to be a democracy was never without conflict. It pains me but it is what it is.
They wont back down 33% or more of these insurgents of democracy so whats a liberal to do? It wont be to run and hide. When you come for me or my family it wont be my back you see.
I hate the GOP for letting the American Nazi party and Putin in to infiltrate them- but ok it is what is.
Stay Frosty find your progressive community - -Vote Blue - or we surely will become a handmaids tale, they have already begun.
Sorry for the rant been building all week.