The BEST reason for retail to get out NOW is that…
The Narrative has shifted to NEGATIVE and the only value is the narrative and what others believe.
If you are an investor you are out by now — if you are a gambler or con artist you stay in- and help propel the FUD narrative.
Crypto will RUN and people will lose simply because it is...
A BUBBLE created by DISRUPTORS to PONZI for as long as they can SKIM the retail money.
All in players use CULT Language to CLAW as much as they can until the retail wakes up and sees how valueless their SCAM COIN is.
I leave you with this Madoff ended up being scammed by his biggest "investors" as they skimmed everyone else’s money. Watch the netflix doc just released. The players today in crytpo are doing the same thing.
Retail out now IMHO