The run will wipe out ALL the retail money period. If you have the stomach for that GO FOR IT - otherwise you are playing musical chairs in a rigged system. The wild west - the gold rush broke way more people than it made rich. WHO made money in the gold rush? The people selling to the miners.
I WILL invest in bitcoin when exchanges like COINBASE tell me we are all trading on that exchange fairly; that the ELON MUSKs and hidden whales dont have precedent when the run occurs, THAT MY coin/token/contract will be available for trade in the run. Actually they have to do more than tell me- they have to prove it. ASK around, the last run, many who owned a bitcoin had to wait days as the price fell. WHY?
Next issue I have - TAXES - if you sell before a year get ready for a huge hit, have you factored that in? dont talk to me about swaps I am talking about trades and liquidity.
Last issue; You are buying something that was designed and developed by an individual and or group of people who WILL NOT disclose who they are. Why? maybe it is a country that is perpetrating a currency heist on a massive grand scale, someone who is building massive minning farms? Who knows all I know is anything can be hacked, proven over and over. Tell me who built this thing and I may have more belief in its true goal.
YES I believe distributed ledgers will be the future but they wont be decentralized because without the speculative aspect of this MINERS wont bother.
Soon as a coin offers me a fungible regulated wallet system I am in until then I will tell my grand kids the risk was to high.
But that is just me, risk adverse and proud of it.