The Trump Show needs to have one more act - as the POTUS he should be granted full immunity - IF - he under the full weight of the justice allocutes and answers every question truthfully and in simple on point sentences.
One diversion, gas light, deflection or outright lie he loses immunity and he is placed in a mental institution - his ability to run for any government office stripped.
Why am I being so generous? My hate for the man does not hide the importance of his time in office. We learned much from him
Half of America are full on racists or racists adjacent. More on that in my writing if anyone wants my take.
He also showed us who and what ALL the politicians are without doubt- liars We need a peoples vote of no confidence after we elect these people - simpler than the recall process.
He made us aware of the true enemy of a democracy for all - the insurgents live among us - choose wisely your interactions
He reminded us to get the Fkcu off our asses and organize.
JAFO from a liberal warrior.