Those holding Bitcoin will do everything in their power to convince you to "invest" in their pyramid scheme. Why not? That is where its value comes from, getting the dumb money, a phrase coined by those who steal your savings, to buy into the FOMO bubble.
Like all bubbles, if you got in when it was early and sold when the dumb money started to blow it up, awesome for you. If you are JUST now considering bitcoin, you are NOT an informed investor; you are a lottery player. Which is fine but know who you are.
Can you make money in Bitcoin ..yes, in the arbitrage and if you are willing to risk wild swings and cash.
Will Bitcoin become the future of some exchange for goods as its actual value. I doubt it, for the many reasons James points out in his article.
NOTHING wrong with playing the arbitrage; just know where you are in the pecking order. The "smart" money is betting on FOMO and the Las Vegas effect.
Trust me; there is a number that all holders of this "bet" are waiting for to divest; when that happens, it will wipe off billions and capture that cash for those few. A run on the bet will be in minutes and maybe microseconds. If you have the stomach for that, wonderful; if not, I would suggest safer "investments."
All of this is fine as long as you bought in at 100, 500, maybe even 3500, but at 40K, really? and if you do, do you really understand that all you are buying is a place for people to place their money, nothing more.
Bitcoin WILL survive and maintain, it will expand and correct, expand, and correct, for years to come or until regulation. The final correction will come at the expense of many people.
Ok, was Bitcoin a pyramid scheme when it started, I doubt it, but it surely has the signs of one now. People took it there, and they will be glad to relieve you of your money.
Price vs. Value simple rule in investing, understanding this concept will save you grief.